Tag: 73 Fairway Avenue

Real Estate: Starters, Fixer-Uppers, Open Houses

Big or small? Condo or house? All fixed or fixer-upper? Whatever you need in the way of a new home, you might find it in...

Real Estate, Inside And Outside

Two years ago, when we were taking the dogs for a walk in Eagle Rock Reservation, we spotted a treehouse at the edge of...

Real Estate Bubbles Over

Last weekend, Verona real estate had a rainy Mother's Day breather. This Saturday and Sunday, the market is getting back in gear, with starter...

The Power Of Renovation

In late March, a home at the western end of Franklin Avenue was listed for sale, a dormered Cape just around around the corner...

Real Estate Feels The Chill

The real estate in Verona has been pretty hot for the last few weeks, so it was inevitable that there would be a bit...

Real Estate Doesn’t Halt For Hurricane

Hurricane Joaquin may cause some rain and higher tides along the shore but it's not putting a damper on Verona's real estate activity this...
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